Monday, May 19, 2008

It Was a 2GB Card Weekend!

I clicked off 350+ images this weekend! My camera really got a workout! Seems I was behind my camera taking pictures, or in front of my computer editing these pictures all weekend. It was a busy, yet fun and rewarding few days. I did some photos just for me, and others were requests from others.
Today I did a couple of photo shoots for my neighbors. I learned a lot from both of them! Today's 1st assignment was for a sweet young family wanting family portraits with their new son. We planned the shoot for 9am to avoid the heat and harsh sun.
Lesson #1 - it is summer now and even at 9am the sun is too harsh and it is hot! This causes ugly shadows and sweat on faces!
We were supossed to go to the golf course in our community. I had the perfect place picked out under a nice shade tree in front of a waterfall/stream feature. Beautiful!
Lesson #2 - Golf courses have their own watering schedule!
So I quickly scouted out another spot away from the sprinklers. No shade tree, but there was some water. I got them all lined up and seated on a beautiful rock wall overlooking the water. When we were done I set my camera on the wall and helped get the children down (2 boys - 3 yo & 5 mo). I got the 3 yo down 1st, and while I got the baby down I heard mom and dad yell frantically at the 3 yo. Insert huge panic here, I thought he was falling into the water. Nope, he had picked up my lens cap and tossed it in and was heading for the camera!!!!!
Lesson #3 - Watch your equipment at ALL times around 3 yo boys!!!!!!
Mom and dad were upset with him and embarrassed, but it was just a cap - not a camera!!!! So we headed off to another location I like to shoot at, a waterfall. We of course had to climb a metal fence to get to it - but who cares - they are still young! I got my shade tree but the sun was still pretty harsh. And by now baby wants to be fed, and 3 yo just wants to throw rocks in the water (better than the camera once again). We might have to reschedule this shoot to get some better photos!

Right after the sweet young family I was to shoot a sweet little girl, her mommy and mommy's grandmother. They wanted outdoor photos as well - but by now it is WAY TOO HOT and way too bright outside! Quick thinking Marta set up the studio in the garage. It was still warm inside there but not HOT and I could control the light! I decided today was a great day to try out my canvas backdrop that Gary bought me for my last birthday.
Lesson #4 - I LOVE this backdrop!!!! It makes beautiful, warm photos! As well as adding lots of depth to the photos.

So here is Great-Grandma & 3 yo Great-Granddaughter. Aren't they lovely together!

And here is Mother and daughter - these 2 just love to have fun together and it really shows!

Lesson #5 - 3 yo little girls have the same short attention span as 3 yo little boys. They just act out in a different (and more manageble) way.
So, I get something cold to drink and get some lunch, then I started editing the day's photos. The phone rings - it's Bryanna. Her, Darwin, the baby and Darwin's parents are on their way over to go swimming! Of course I am thrilled to get to see them, and frankly I am hot and the pool sounds great! So I run around getting towels and suits and sunscreen and various baby things for the pool and off we go to the pool. There were 4 generations of us at the pool; Monkey, her parents (Bryanna & Darwin), 2 sets of grandparents and Great-Grandma.

Of course when I get home I have even more photos to load and edit! But I am happy to say they are all down now.
This last photo is from a shoot I did at a retirement home on Friday. I have always been facsinated by hands, and have always wanted to do a photo shoot of "old" hands. Since our upcoming Book Club assignment is "OLD" I decided this would be the perfect time to do this. This is one of my favorites. The ladies were all delightful and very generous to allow me to do this. My Mother allowed me to do her hands too on Saturday.
Of course I already posted my "Sign Language" photo for today - so you have gotten to see a sampling of everything I have shot this weekend. I hope you took advantage of this weekend and got some FUN photos and captured some FUN memories for yourself!

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