to take your camera with you EVERYWHERE!!!
This is a piece of advice I tell everyone but don't always follow myself! I am so glad I took my own advice today!
There is a long stretch of unpopulated road that I drive anytime I leave my home, and everytime I come back home. Along this stretch of road is the most beautiful view of the mountain range and of the desert. There is a nice little valley on the east side of the road that is sometimes home to wild horses. Well, I don't know that they are wild, but there is no home or ranch there and you may not see them for months and then they will appear for a few days. I have always wanted to take pictures of the mountains and the horses along this road, but never have. There is one really big obstacle that stands in my way (that is IF I have my camera with me) from taking these photos. . .there is no place to pull over and park your car along this road!
So today, I just made up my mind that I would park my car at the canal and just walk in the bike lane or in the desert to get the shots I wanted of the mountains. As I was driving home I was thinking about how late I was running and had decided to pass the canal by and not take pictures today. As soon as I passed the canal I looked into the valley and there were the horses!!!!! Mind you, I have just passed the only place to pull off of the road and now must drive 2.5 miles to get to a point that I can turn around, and then I still have to drive back to the canal to park, get out of my car and start walking. And hopefully after all of this the horses will still be there and not have run off into the desert.
SUCCESS!!!! I did all of that and the payback was wonderful. The horses were great and super curious. They came right up to me as if they wanted me to take their photos.
Along with the horses were a couple of babies and donkeys. And there was this character - do you see him behind baby and mama? After I had headed farther down to take photos of some other horses, this guy decides to play. I heard a big thud, and turned around to see this huge animal throwing himself down, legs straight up in the air and just rolling around having fun! It reminded me of how my dog Sugar acts in the evening to scratch her back. When I realized what she was doing I started running so tha I could capture this moment. I just barely made it in time. I have never seen a horse do this before.
As I walked back to the canal and my car the sun started to set. I loved how it was being reflected in the rear panal of my car.
I am so happy I took my camera out with me today! And I am very glad I decided to turn back around to take the photos! I spent a little over an hour out here gazing at the sunset and spying on these gorgeous animals, and I am so glad I took the time to do that!!!!
So don't forget your camera, and take the time out for yourself to actually use it!!!!
Have a great Hump-day!!!
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