That's what my Monkey is!!!!!
Below you will see what I did Tuesday morning to entertain myself. After breakfast, Monkey was wandering around the house exploring as usual. She came upon my prop box and decided that it looked like a fun place to play. The night before I had done a photo shoot for a friend and neighbor and was just too lazy to put things away (side note: it has still not been put away!) so my lights and backdrops and everything were still set up. I decided to grab one of the new dresses I had bought Monkey a couple of weeks ago and take some pictures. So with no bath and probably some remnants of breakfast still on her hands, we started taking pictures. Oh, did I mention that my Mom had also bought her this little bench this weekend - PERFECT size for toodler photos! It was also perfect for keeping her in one place so that I could take the pictures. Now that she is walking it is very hard to pose her, as she doesn't like to stay still!
So here are just a few of my favorites. . .
I LOVE this one - look at those little feet!!!! OMGoodness she just melts my heart!
So, since she was having fun, I decided to run down the hall (and out to my car) to get ALL of her monkeys! She sat there so paitietly while I set them all up around her. That was until I placed her monkey backpack-leash on the floor. Nope - she needed that one in her hands! She loves that thing and never complains when you put it on her.
She fiddled with the latches on it for a few moments. . .
Then she dived off of her bench and carried the monkey leash over to me - "put it on me" she was telling me in her very cute non-verbal way
Once she had her monkey pal on her back she was ready to get back on the bench and pose for more photos for Am-ma (that is me - it is what she calls me - again, HOW SWEET!)
She fiddled with the latches on it for a few moments. . .
Then she dived off of her bench and carried the monkey leash over to me - "put it on me" she was telling me in her very cute non-verbal way
Once she had her monkey pal on her back she was ready to get back on the bench and pose for more photos for Am-ma (that is me - it is what she calls me - again, HOW SWEET!)
After a few more monkey/bench photos it was concert time. She loves to play the piano, and everytime she does I think I should grab my camera and don't. Well today I was able to get some photos of her piano concert. She was perfectly dressed for such an event.
I am a very proud Grammie, but I am honest enough to admit it is not really "music" that comes from the piano as she plays. But she really plays with intent and purpose.
There is just something so sweet and perfect about little hands!
So this was a morning in my life this week. The photos are far from perfect, I am having some troubles with the shapness of my pictures lately. But even if they aren't perfect, they are precious to me. After all, the whole purpose of taking pictures is to capture memories and emotions. I managed to do both on Tuesday.
I am a very proud Grammie, but I am honest enough to admit it is not really "music" that comes from the piano as she plays. But she really plays with intent and purpose.
There is just something so sweet and perfect about little hands!
So this was a morning in my life this week. The photos are far from perfect, I am having some troubles with the shapness of my pictures lately. But even if they aren't perfect, they are precious to me. After all, the whole purpose of taking pictures is to capture memories and emotions. I managed to do both on Tuesday.
What have you been capturing with your camera lately?????
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